New leaders – workload and team building analysis
Client: Hume City Council
Challenge: Hume had recently launched their new One Hume Transformation following a period of sustained change, which included a new CEO and executive leadership structure, the adoption of new technologies, and greater flexibility in the ways of working due to disruption from the pandemic. Hume’s leadership identified the need to refresh their organisational values and engaged Gov Insights to support Council in this project. The goal was to have values reflective of their new direction and lead Hume through this period of significant change in order to develop a strong and supportive culture.
How we helped: Gov Insights deployed a co-design methodology to engage the Hume workforce with great success. This approach led to hearing from over 500 staff over three weeks in workshops, surveys, pop-ups, manager-led conversations, town halls and focus groups. Following analysis of more than 2000 points of feedback, Gov Insights successfully refreshed Hume’s values and delivered a comprehensive implementation plan to deeply embed the new values across the organisation’s employee lifecycle. This plan has already begun generating the positive and collaborative culture Hume’s executive team were aiming for.