Finding their voice – LGBTIQ Leadership Program
Collaboration with The Public Value Studio
Client: Victorian State Government, Department Families, Fairness and Housing
Challenge: The Department of Family, Fairness and Housing was seeking a qualified and experienced organisation to design and deliver the LGBTIQ+ Leadership Program 2022 (the Program) for participation by LGBTIQ+ Victorians based in regional and rural areas. The Program’s aim was to build young LGBTIQ+ Victorian capability as agents of change and enable participants to grow their skills, resilience and networks. This would in turn give them the confidence and agency to determine how to make their community safer, more welcoming and more inclusive.
How we helped: Gov Insights lead the delivery of this project in close collaboration with The Public Value Studio, the Department, regional and rural leaders, and subject matter experts. Through this project, a Program Reference Group was established which support a detailed community-led co-design of the program. Gov Insights designed and delivered the program. 26 community members successfully completed the Program which included four capacity building sessions, four community of practice sessions, a weekend intensive, and a coaching program. Evaluation of the program commended Gov Insights for delivering the most psychologically safe and impactful learning environment in the program’s six-year history.